Saturday, August 31, 2019

Arithmetic Mean and Life Satisfaction

PART A: i) Male: Female: The mean value of life satisfaction for male is about 7. 7459 while for female is 7. 7101, which proves there is no significant different life satisfaction between male and female, thus gender does not affect life satisfaction a lot. But when it comes to sample variance, for male is 2. 5684 while for female is 3. 0081. From this pair of figures it is obvious that the life satisfaction for female is more flexible than male. Man’s life satisfactions are easy to be affected by other variables. I assume â€Å"GENDER† does not affect life satisfaction. ii) Not alone: Alone:The mean value of satisfaction for those who is not alone is about 7. 8055 meanwhile the figure for those who live alone is 7. 32584. There is a big gap between these two data, which implies that â€Å"ALONE† have a significant impact on people life satisfaction. Additionally, sample variance for alone is much higher than for not alone, which implies other variables affect p eople who live alone severely and affect people not alone a little. I assume â€Å"ALONE† affects â€Å"LIFESAT† vitally, since people feel happier when they are accompanied by others but for those who are alone are easy to feel lonely and sad. iii) Income 1: Income 6:The average life satisfaction for people with income level 1 is 7. 4426 while for people with income level 6 is 8. 2069, which means people with high income are more satisfy with their life than those with low income. Furthermore, the sample variance for income 1 is 4. 37941 while for level 6 is only 0. 74138, which tells that people with relatively high income enjoys a relatively stable high life satisfaction. Personally, I reckon that people with high income are happier than those with low income, as they are more capable to purchase what they like which makes people satisfy with their lives. PART B: i) Y=7. 746-0. 036X (gender)For gender, the ? 2 is -0. 036 which means gender has negative relationship with satisfaction. And 0 represents male while 1 means female. Thus when other factors are the same, life satisfaction of female is slightly less than man. The result is not exactly what I have supposed. My prior assumption is ? 2 should be zero in this circumstance. ii) Y=7. 360+0. 008X (age) From this function, age has a positive linear relationship with life satisfaction. As people grow old, they tend to be more satisfied with their life. ?2 is a little bit different from what I expected, as I suppose ? 2 should be a bigger positive number than it is.I reckon that as people grow old they might be easy to feel satisfied about life. For young people they are more likely to be ambitious and do not feel enough about what they have. iii) Y=7. 805-0. 480X (alone) Alone has a negative relationship with life satisfaction, it means people who are alone have less life satisfaction than those accompanied by others. The result is in accordance with what I expected. iv) Y=7. 300+0. 174X (inco me) ?2 is 0. 174 which means as income increase by 1 unit life satisfaction will go up by 0. 174. The more people earned the more satisfied they feel about their life.The result is correspondent with what I expected. PART C: Estimated sample regression function: Yhat=6. 4981-0. 0094X1-0. 0005X2+0. 0497X3+0. 0170X4-0. 3975X5+0. 1986X6 PART D: i) Y=6. 4981-0. 0094X1-0. 0005X2+0. 0497X3+0. 0170X4-0. 3975X5+0. 1986X6 =6. 4981-0. 0094*0-0. 0005*50+0. 0497*0+0. 0170*26-0. 3975*1+0. 1986*3 =7. 1134 ii) Y=6. 4981-0. 0094X1-0. 0005X2+0. 0497X3+0. 0170X4-0. 3975X5+0. 1986X6 =6. 4981-0. 0094*0-0. 0005*50+0. 0497*0+0. 0170*35-0. 3975*0+0. 1986*3 =7. 6639 PART E: Setting religion as another independent variable, â€Å"0† represents no religion and â€Å"1† means having religion.In my opinion, when other variables remains stable people with religion compared with people without religion are more satisfied with their lives, since people with religion have spiritual sustenance. Hours spend on sleep every week can also be set as another independent variable (0? X? 168). I suppose that people who spent more time on sleep will be happier than those got less time on sleep. PART F: Coefficients as calculated in part c: Yhat=6. 4981-0. 0094X1-0. 0005X2+0. 0497X3+0. 0170X4-0. 3975X5+0. 1986X6 SSE=(Y-YHAT)^2 One example for made up coefficients: As I change the portfolio of coefficient, the new sum of squared residuals ever lower than the original SSE. The coefficients we got by applying the OLS model contributes to the most minor sum of squared residuals. PART G: i) H0: ? 1=0 H1: ? 1? 0 Test statistic: T= (6. 49806173672354-0)/ 0. 199293520416749= 32. 6054842281637 With ? =0. 1. From the t table, value of t with 10% level of significance and (n-7=1660-7=1653) d. f. , the critical value of t is |tc|=1. 645 With ? =0. 05. |tc|=1. 960 With ? =0. 01. |tc|=2. 576 |t|=32. 605>| tc| Reject H0 at 10%, 5%, and 1% level of significant. Therefore ? 1 is significant different from 0 at all these three level. ii) H0: ? 2=0 H1: ? 2? 0 Test statistic:T=(-0. 0094153888009149-0)/ 0. 00475949120927804= -1. 97823430844052 |t|=|-1. 97823430844052|=1. 97823430844052 |t0. 95, 1653|

Friday, August 30, 2019

Presentation of Self

â€Å"When an individual enters the presence of others, they commonly seek to acquire? information about him or to bring into play information about him already possessed. They? will be interested in his general socio-economic status, his conception of self, his attitude? towards them, his competence, his trustworthiness, etc. Although some of this information is? sought as an end in itself, there are usually quite practical reasons for acquiring it. Information? about the individual helps to define the situation, enabling others to know in advance what he? ill expect of them and what they may expect of him. Informed in these ways, the others will? know how best to act in order to call forth a desired response from him. †-Erving Goffman In â€Å"The Presentation of Self In Everyday Life,† by Erving Goffman he seeks to show the reader how everyone sets out to present themselves to the world around them, always trying to maintain the role they have selected for themselves , since those whom they meet not only try to decide what role it is you are playing, but also whether or not you are competent to play that role.Erving Goffman portrays everyday interactions as strategic encounters in which one is attempting to sell a particular self-image and, accordingly, a particular definition of the situation. I agree with Erving Goffman, in everyday life I believe we all play different roles to different people to portray ourselves in the way we want to be seen. The impression we have on people and society depends on the character and role we play.In my life today I try to please people the best way I can while still making myself happy I can relate to Goffman’s writings because I also believe myself that we are all actors playing a role in society that we choose to play. The ways we portray ourselves to the people around us can differ from friends to parents because we want a sense of acceptance from all. I agree with this very much. Growing up I know that I occasionally would lie to my parents to play the role that they wanted to see. The image my parents may have thought me to be, at times, actually was not me.I wanted to be my parent’s princess and the golden child, so I acted in a way to seek their approval which in some ways was not the â€Å"real† me. These conditions occur because of the existence of self presentational rules according to Goffman. â€Å"When one individual enters the presence of others, he will want to discover the facts of the situation. Were he to possess this information. †Also when meeting an individual we try to get information about them so we can act accordingly to their approval. How we act with one friend may not be the way we act with another.We determine the person’s status and attitude and decide for ourselves if we want to be a part of that. When we gather the information when first meeting someone, it determines the way we think and act towards them. Erving Goffman revolves his view of the human life around the belief that we are all actors who have both a front stage behavior and a back stage behavior. From an early age we have become skilled actors and move in and out of roles with precision such as with our family and friends. We follow the formal societal rules when we are on the front stage reciting a script, playing a role.This would include going to work, presenting ourselves as the person we should uphold to take part in society. On the other side, Goffman says our back stage behavior is informal, as we'd act when we are amongst friends. When I myself am in the public eye instead of in the social scene amongst my friends I find myself acting in a different way to please the group of people I am around. Erving Goffman had a good perception on society and natural human behavior that I myself can relate to and agree with.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Why did Elizabethans voyage overseas and were they successful?

During the middle ages Europeans know little about the rest of the world. Silks, spices were brought overland to Europe from India and china, but sailors didn’t dare to sail the unknown seas. In this essay I will be discussing why Elizabethans were made to go on over sea voyages in the 1550s during the time of the cloth trade collapse. What did England achieve from these successful voyages over sea and what new markets did they find to sell their goods also how did Britain become the most powerful country in the world . In addition to who were the sailors that helped England claim power and wealth? Between 1430-1530 European sailors began making voyages across the oceans. In 1550 the cloth trade collapsed . Merchants need to find new markets in which to sell their goods. Markets such as the Muscovy company which traded with Russia in timber and lurs also the East Incia Company which traded with India and the Far East in silks, spices, cotton and tea in addition to The Levant company which traded with countries around the eastern Mediterranean in currents and dyes. They went across the world to sell their English cloth and at the same time giving people in other countries a chance for ‘All savages, so soon as they began to taste of civilisation ‘which was said by Richard Hakluyt in his book ‘The Principle navigations, voyages and discoveries of the English Nation ‘in order to encourage overseas voyages . This encouraged English sailors and more people become interested in these voyages over sea. Richard Hakluyt thought that from these voyages over see the navy would be enlarged making England more powerful and become the greater country as he says ‘By these voyages our navy shall be enlarged ‘it was stated in his book. In addition the fact that the navy will become bigger just like Spain and Portugal’s, men and women shall work there will be more employment opportunities available which means that more money will be coming in to the nation ‘it will prove general benefit into our country ‘ . They would also gain more money as they would be going overseas and selling spices , which links into the trade markets especially The East Incia company which traded silks and spices . There were monopolies on the trade companies. Monopolies is when you have control over a given market, you are given a legal piece of paper (warrant)telling you that you could trade with that company , but that warrant didn’t come free you had to bid for it in order to get it . The companies paid Elizabeth money so that they could get their warrant and trade with the country that they wanted to trade with. The money which was used to pay for the warrants goes to Elizabeth so she can then deal with her economical problems and the debt that her sister Mary put her in of ?250,000. After the monopolies expired you would have to pay again for them and get it renewed or else you could no longer trade in that area. Merchants, nobles, and even the queen invested in these voyages . They made large profits from captured cargoes like gold and silver. Francis Drake stole silver, gold and jewels from Spanish ships coming from Mexico. This gold and silver benefited the economy as it made them more money. Gold was brought by the rich, who had to pay tax which helped Elizabeth pay her debt as she was the government and received the money. Drake's successful battles against the Spanish helped England become a major sea power. He was the First Englishman to sail around the world. On the way round the world, Drake landed in what is now California, naming it Nova Albion (New England) and claiming it for his queen. Drake returned from his voyage with his ship packed full of spices from the Indies, and plundered Spanish silver and treasure. Drake was knighted by Queen Elizabeth l for his courage, and for the treasures he brought back with him. He brought back enough treasure to pay off the entire national debt. John Hawkins was a cousin of Drake. He was the first Englishman to trade in slaves. He bought slaves in West Africa and sold them to the Spanish colonies in the West Indies, often raiding Spanish ships as he went. After retirement he built ships for the navy. Sir Walter Raleigh led many expeditions to America and introduced tobacco and the potato into England. He chose the name of the first English colony in America. He named it Virginia after Queen Elizabeth. However some sailors were unsuccessful like Sir Humphrey Gilbert who explored the north coast of America but was never seen again. Also Sir Walter Raleigh of 1595 who set to sail for south America hoping to find El Dorado , a legendary city full of gold . He never found the city and never returned with any gold making him useless to the country as he did not benefit it. England had more power, defence and a stronger navy than before as British sailors improved their skills in sailing and fighting at sea. New and faster ships were built by Hawkins. These ships helped in the Spanish armada in 1558. By 1603 England had become the greatest sea-power in the world. In conclusion the Elizabethans were successful on their voyages overseas as Britain became the most powerful and richest country in the world by 1803. The trading companies became very wealthy in the seventeenth century. England had the greatest sea-power in the world which lasted until the twentieth century. They were encouraged to go on voyages overseas so that they could trade with other companies as they needed new markets to trade with after the cloth collapse and become wealthier as I stated in the essay. Sailors like Francis Drake helped gain success on voyages overseas.

Please write a summary of I BELIVE IN THA HOLY SPIRIT vol. 3 pp Essay

Please write a summary of I BELIVE IN THA HOLY SPIRIT vol. 3 pp. 174-214 written by Yves Congar. I mean only this part fro - Essay Example Anselm decided that the Greeks and Latins were on the same page when it came time to discuss Trinitarian doctrines. Augustine stated that the Greeks believed in one essence and three substances while the Latin people believed in one essence or substance brings three persons. Augustine stated that the difference is only in the wording, however, Abelard believed that this difference was crucial in deciding how well the Greeks practiced their faith. Abelard stated that "hypostasis" was a dangerous word to Jerome. There had been a problem in the way that Greeks followed the doctrines on the Holy Spirit according to the non-Greek religious leaders. These non-Greek religious leaders felt it impossible that the Greeks were genuine when their vocabulary was inappropriate. They believed that the Greeks did not practice in the right way since the vocabulary they used tended to be so radically different, that it was impossible that they followed the right path. The non-Greek religious groups fe lt that this was only a vocabulary issue and that they did still believe in the Holy Spirit in the right way, however, it was too difficult to think that if there is a vocabulary error, there must also be a method in practicing faith error as well. During Anselm's time, it was believed that most of the doctrines were in agreement between the Latin people and the Greeks. Wording seemed to be the only problems encountered by Anselm's opinion of how the Greeks practiced. Thomas believed that the wording was incredibly different but the meanings were almost the same. The Greeks deny the procession of the Holy Spirit a Filio, however they concede it in its antecedent. This problem has lasted since the year 325 and it is now the fourteenth century. This dispute is quite strong still by the fourteenth century and no conclusions have yet been made about whether the Greeks and Latins can come to an agreement of how they practice their faith. Alexander Hales came up with his own opinion and h is comments about how the Latins and Greeks differ are as follows: Augustine (Latin leader at the time) considered the inner structure of the spirit and therefore maintained that it was from the mens that the cogitatio or word proceeded and the latter was followed by the spiration of the affectus. The Damascene (Greek leader at the time), on the other hand, considered the external word so that the point of departure was the intellect, followed by the word, which emerged as a word with a breath, which was connected in an immediate way to the intellect. The spirit, then, was Spiritus Verbi, non a Verbo. Alexander believed that these were the opposing views between the Latins and the Greeks of how the word and the Holy Spirit were related. Bonaventure was a commentator and he came up with an interesting perspective about this controversial debate. The first part is the fact that both the Greeks and the Latins agreed on the aspects of faith in divine revelation found in the scriptures. The second part is concerning the fact that the Greeks and Latins differ in their viewpoints on categories and terminology. The third and final aspect is that of the teaching in a formula which led to the controversy in the first place. He actually figured out where the similarities and differences were and wrote them out to help clear this debate once and for all. The items they both agreed on are as follows: the scriptural basis of the procession and the spirit belongs to the son and is sent by the son. The Latins

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Marketing Concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing Concepts - Essay Example In the UK, 28% of consumers own a smartphone and by 2015 iPhones will make up 11% of all total devices used in the UK.† (Mintel, 2010) The trend in sales has proved that customers are now looking at mobile phone as a device beyond a small instrument that helps to make phone calls. In fact, making calls have become just small of the many functions of mobile phones. Mobile phones are now a total communication and mobility solution. This trend in the industry was driven by the smart phone of iPhone, Nokia, Samsung, Blackberry and other players. This report will discuss the macro and micro environmental changes in the industry and its impacts on the marketing activities of smart phone companies. The report will be discussed with particular reference to Apple iPhone and RIM Blackberry. Mobile phone industry is one of the fastest growing and fastest changing industries in the world. The products become outdated very quickly than in any other domain. Innovation in products, services a nd marketing activities are most common in the industry. Smart phones are the power houses of mobile phone market. Globally, â€Å"Feature phones still represent the majority of mobile phone shipments, even though they are under increasing pressure from smartphones.† (Wauters, 2011) IPhone and Blackberry are among the leading smart phone makers of the world though Blackberry’s market share is slowly being taken over by Samsung. This report will deal primarily with the environmental factors affecting the smart phone industry. The report will also deal with the importance of market segmentation, targeting and positioning in the industry. The later part of the report will discuss the importance of adopting a right marketing mix for the smart phone industry. Environmental Factors and their Impact The major macro environmental factors that affect marketing in the mobile phone market are technology, economic factors, education and employment levels and social factors. (Zain Books, 2011) Technology is the primary factor that drives the handset industry. Recent developments in the market have shown that Apple has come up with the software called ‘siri’ which is expected to take the market by storm. Such developments will force Blackberry to introduce similar technology or any other differentiating factor on its further models and marketing. Economic condition is the next major factor that impacts the marketing. A slowing economy will usually dent the demand for handsets in the market. A slow economy is usually followed by low disposable income in the hands of the consumers. Therefore, the companies will mostly reduce their marketing spending in order to reduce cost and improve margin. Education and employment levels determine whether the consumers will have enough knowledge and disposable income to purchase mobile phones. Companies like Apple and Blackberry will have to decide on the pricing and product features based on the educational and employment level of the customers. The next macro environmental factor that has an impact on the marketing decisions of handset companies are social factors. The social set up and reference groups create a huge impact on the purchasing decisions of consumers. (Tutor2u, 2011) Therefore, the marketing activities of a company in one region are entirely different from that of the other region. For instance, the theme of iPhone advertisement in United States will be different from what it is in India. The main reason is the difference between social

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Marketing Plan of PepsiCo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Marketing Plan of PepsiCo - Essay Example The researcher states that the PepsiCo trades a large range of brand including Pepsi cola, diet Pepsi, Doritos and Lipton teas among others. However, the company faces a stiff completion from the Coca-Cola and draft foods both of which are making marketing path in America, Europe and Asia. According to William and Robert the company must deal with a number of local brands and guarantee the loyalty of customer’s demands. Thus, PepsiCo’s marketer must persistently research on customer’s preferences and study the impact of environmental forces to develop the precise marketing mix for the right market. The company has released that most of the populace suffer from health predicaments; thus, it has developed a new product that will meet the healthier eating habit of customers. The walkers’ snacks are the new product in the market, characterized by their low sodium content. The product was discovered to meet the United Kingdom’s campaign to warn customer s on the risks involved in the intake of high contents of salt. The company took the incentive of introducing this product that would capture the rising demand of customers to change their diets to something healthier in the market. In order to market the walker’s snacks in the market, PepsiCo Company has commenced reducing the level of salt in several other snacks worldwide. By so doing, the customers will opt for the company’s product, and consequently they purchase the new product among others. Meanwhile, it is discoursing usage of fats and sugar by making labeling more prominent so that customers can make educated choices. According to Justin and Longenecker (2011, 69), this strategy is extremely advantageous to the company in marketing the new product because it captures the customer’s confidence of the products offered in the market. When customers are convinced of the quality of the other products of PepsiCo, it will be easy for them to appreciate and acc ept the new product easily. Cheverton (2005, P. 57) indicate that the company via intensive research noticed that there was a higher use of digital media among young adults and youth that would be a large and productive target market for the new product. Thus, the company will use the internet, Facebook, twitter to communicate with customers and influence these customers on the significant of the product. It will allow customers to vote online for the new product will promote the product among the marketing mix in the market. The company will run contents asking customers to form and submit homemade television commercials for the new product in the market. The company has combined the digital marketing with social responsibility in that it will invite the customers to apply online for grants that would change their society. Roberts (2011, P.57) indicate that the strategy will make the customers notice and respond to its social responsibility and promote the buying decision of the ne w product in the market due to the earned positive image of the company. The marketing research done on the customer’s preference and demands in various countries will maintain a steady stream of new product introduced in the market. Financial management The impressive marketing strategies of the PepsiCo Company would make the introduction of the walkers snack in the market success. The company aimed to realize revenue of one million just 25 days after the product is introduced in the market. However, the new product is rarely an immediate success due to the challenges encountered during marketing. Thus, the Pepco marketers would be extremely keen in the purchasing pattern of the customers. The company should constantly modify product prices.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Health promotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Health promotion - Essay Example Obesity in childhood, teenage and adults is considered an epidemic in the United States. The advancement in technology created rapid changes in the eating habits of individuals globally. However, as countries become more developed in terms of economic status, the greater the availability and affordability of innumerable choices of food that an individual can indulge in. The issue of addressing obesity has been specifically identified as a national agenda in Healthy People 2010. Obesity is defined as a chronic condition of excess fat accumulation in the body. (Medicine.Net, 2009, 1). Medically, obesity can be defined in relation to the body mass index (BMI). The body mass index â€Å"determines whether a person’s weight is appropriate for height by dividing the weight in kilograms by the height in meters squared.† (Delaune & Ladner, 2006, 1394) Using this index, obesity is then defined as a BMI of 30 and above. (Medicine.Net. 2009, 1) The primary causes of obesity are overeating and lack of physical activity. When a person takes in calories much more than what one burns, that persons gains weight. Excess energy is therefore stored as fat. If that person has no initiative at all to engage in any physical activity which would help him or her burn those excess calories, then, obesity sets in. Aside from overeating and lack physical activity, there are enormous factors which contribute to an individual’s being vulnerable to obesity. These are: genetics, composition of the diet, frequency of eating, slow metabolism, lack of exercise or physical activity, medications, psychological factors, and even certain diseases. With different researches undertaken to explore on the factors contributing to obesity, it is revealed in MedicineNet that ethnicity, childhood weight and hormones all have an effect in being obese. As a person gains weight and either consciously or unconsciously neglect any measures to prevent the continuous weight increase, that person increases

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Roles of Estrogen in Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Roles of Estrogen in Development - Essay Example Most species with two sexes exhibit sexually dimorphic behavior and physical characteristics. New research suggests that the presence of estrogen, specifically estradiol, has an active role in sexual differentiation. Several sexual dimorphic structures in the brain have been observed in laboratory experiments. This study had been performed using male and female rats and had proved the differences in size of corpus callosum between two sexes had existed facilitated by estrogen. Estrogen plays an important role in male reproduction, critical for sustained fertility in some species. Reducing estrogen's interaction with its receptor(s) in monkey and mouse models is associated with reduced sperm motility and, in some cases, documented elimination of sperm fertilizing ability, suggesting that normal epididymal function may be estrogen dependent. The objective of the experiments was to evaluate the effects of reduced endogenous estrogen on development of epididymal function in the pig, a species in which males have very high levels of endogenous estrogen. Furthermore, reducing endogenous estrogen during postnatal development appears to have transient effects on porcine epididymal function. These transient effects suggest that the pig, with its high endogenous estrogen, may respond differently than other species to reduced estrogen synthesis (McCarthy, et al). This particular study provides a viable claim of estrogens importance on development of reproductive sys tem particularly in male specie. The development of the positive feedback of estrogen in normally fed animals and its possible alterations in animals subjected to restricted food intake has been the focus of another study and had indicated that the gonadotropin response to estrogen positive feedback develops gradually and quantitatively as the animal matures and undernutrition-induced delayed puberty is not caused by inability of the hypothalamic-pituitary unit to respond to positive estrogen feedback, but rather to ovarian failure to release estrogen in amounts sufficient to trigger a gonadotropin surge (Ronnekleiv, et al). Another study had determined whether endogenous estrogen, the levels of which increase with advancing pregnancy, regulates growth and development of the baboon fetal adrenal cortex. In the end it propose that estrogen acts directly on the fetal adrenal cortex to selectively repress the morphological and functional development of the fetal zone, potentially as a feedback system to maintain physio logical secretion of estrogen precursors and thus placental estrogen production to promote normal primate fetal and placental development (Albretch, et al). Despite the estrogens' significance on development, some studies apparently speak of its contribution to developmental errors. Evidences have accumulated that exposure to environmental components with estrogenic activity causes reproductive disorders in human populations. Studies conducted over the past 50 years have clearly shown a continual decline in semen quality accompanied by an increase in male reproductive disorders during this period in industrial countries. As healthy gametes are a prerequisite for healthy children, such disorders are a significant problem not only for the current society, but also for future generations. Epidemiological, clinical, and experimental studies have suggested that excessive exposure to estrogens and xenoestrogens during fetal and neonatal

Saturday, August 24, 2019

How useful are invertebrate infection models for studying bacterial Assignment

How useful are invertebrate infection models for studying bacterial pathogenisis and therapy - Assignment Example The infection cycle involves the disease causing agent managing entry into the host either through adhesion or penetration, assimilation of nutrients to generate more copies of itself and subvert the defence systems of the host and eventually exit from the host to start another cycle in a different target. Numerous in vitro and in vivo infection models have been developed over the years to identify virulence factors and understand its regulation. The fact that some of the host-pathogen interactions have been evolutionarily conserved has led to the establishment of model systems to understand pathogenesis from both the hosts’ and pathogens’ side. Much remains to be understood about the host-pathogen interaction at the molecular level and model systems that are most informative of this could be systems in which the pathogen and host are both amenable to genetic analysis (Pradel and Ewbank, 2004). A number of non-vertebrate model organisms have been developed in order to study host-pathogen interactions which facilitates not only a better understanding of virulence mechanisms but also permit direct genetic techniques to study host defences while reducing cost and ethical constraints associated with mammalian model systems. Non-vertebrate models have also been more popular in bacterial pathogenesis studies because of the following factors: To understand the complexity of virulence-defence interactions a number of pathogen-host systems are required. Simple easy to handle organism such as D. discoideum, C. elegans, D. melanogaster and G. mellonella helps in identifying virulence factors and understanding their functions. Comparative studies in host models also contribute to the identification of novel elements involved in host susceptibility and resistance. Some of these elements conserved over species may also contribute to our understanding of pathogenesis in vertebrates. The genetic tractability of the simple host models will also make possible refined

Friday, August 23, 2019

Answer Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Answer Questions - Assignment Example Another interesting development involves dealing with tactical purchasing activities that leverage information for organizations. Consequently, the interaction and collaboration of the aforementioned functions play a fundamental role in departments such as Marketing, Legal, Engineering and Quality and Manufacturing among others. This is through the implementation of varying functions that tackle retail business during transactions. Additionally, there are processes that are valuable to measurement systems that used in supply management agencies to facilitate functional organizational structures. There are lots of differences between the principles and practices of Purchasing and Supply Management used in the Public sector and the Private Sector. For example, while in the former that majorly comprises of the government the rules are based on contract negation, the latter concentrates on procurement subcontract. Alternatively, while in government they focus on the legal aspects that characterize purchasing, in manufacturing and retail the fundamental features include acquisition and logistics management. Likewise, the salient points noted in the discussion include the need for value-added flow of resources that are later disbursed to resellers and final consumers. In the same capacity, a customer-focused approach is integral in improving efficiency to leverage on the elements of supply chain (Monczka et al 145). Therefore, the salient differences affect the establishment that influences buyer-supplier relationships through the aspects of distribution management, channel manag ement, and payment management. On the other hand, issues of outsourcing and product development assume a huge precedent in maintaining the customer service flow. Likewise, in terms of implementation of the Purchasing and Supply Management function, concentration on external collaboration and

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Macbeth Essay Essay Example for Free

Macbeth Essay Essay This puts Macbeth at a loss for words , they then look at banquo and tell him his sons will be king someday aswell but not him. â€Å"All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis/ All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor/ All hail, Macbeth, Thou shalt be king hereafter! † (1. 3. 50-53). This is the first set of prophecies the witches made and the start to Macbeth’s downfall. What the witches done to Macbeth with these prophecies to make him commence his downfall was they filled his head with these positive flattering things that made him want to go to extreme measures just to become what the witches proclaimed would happen. Proof that this first set of prophecies commenced his downfall is once king Duncan had named malcom to be king apposed to Macbeth, Macbeth then considered the idea that he should murder Duncan to become king. The second set of prophecies given to Macbeth appeared as apparitions by the three witches and each apparition gave Macbeth a different prophecy. The first prophecy is an armed head which tells Macbeth to beware of Macduff â€Å" Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware Macduff. Beware the thane of Fife. Dismiss me. Enough. † (4. 1. 74-75). The second apparition appeared as a bloody child who tells Macbeth the only person who can harm him is a man not born of a woman. â€Å" Be bloody, bold, and resolute. Laugh to scorn/The power of man, for none of woman born/Shall harm Macbeth. † (4. 1. 81-83). The final apparition summoned by the witches was a crowned child holding a tree that states Macbeth will not be killed until the woods of birnam are at Dunsinane Hill. Be lion-me ttled, proud, and take no care/Who chafes, who frets, or where conspirers are. /Macbeth shall never vanquished be until/Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill/Shall come against him. † (4. 1. 94-98). These summons created by the witches are a big part in Macbeth’s downfall because they gave him more confidence that he would not be killed. Macbeth believed that these prophecies were ridiculous and that it was impossible for him to happen although he did not think them through because all of these prophecies came true in the end. Although the witches gave Macbeth these prophecies making him over confident and giving him the idea to kill Duncan they are not the only ones to blame, Macbeth’s wife Lady Macbeth also played a big role in the downfall of Macbeth by persuading Macbeth to kill King Duncan. She did this by telling him that if the witches prophecies were to come true and he were to become king he must kill those who stood in the way. She then proceeds to question his manhood and makes him feel guilty for her when she says she would kill her own child if she had promised it to her beloved to do it. What beast was ’t, then, That made you break this enterprise to me? When you durst do it, then you were a man; And to be more than what you were, you would Be so much more the man. Nor time nor place Did then adhere, and yet you would make both. They have made themselves, and that their fitness now Does unmake you. I have given suck, and know How tender ’tis to love the babe that milks me . I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums And dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you Have done to this. † (1. 7. 47-59). Lady Macbeth was fully capable of killing the king herself, she had made a good plot to kill him but she never killed him herself because she claimed King Duncan reminded her of her father. â€Å"Had he not resembled/My father as he slept, I had done ’t. † (2. 2. 12-13). If Lady Macbeth would have performed the murder herself Macbeth would not have been driven mad. After Macbeth killed King Duncan the guilt he felt was taking over his mind, saying that there was blood on his hands that would not come off. Lady Macbeth could maybe have comforted him in this time of need but instead she called him mad nd put him down. Although both the witches and Lady Macbeth were contributors to Macbeth’s death they cannot take all the blame for Macbeths death, Macbeth himself plays a big role in the his tragic death. Macbeth knew killing King Duncan was wrong he was always loyal to the king and Duncan trusted Macbeth greatly but he let the witches get into his head and let their prophecies corrupt his mind without no proof saying he had to kill Duncan to become king. Although Lady Macbeth gave him guilt and questioned his manliness he could have told her no he could have told her no and went with what he knew was best. Macbeth’s ambition to hold his spot on the throne was another good reason as to why he died, after killing Duncan Macbeth decided that he should also kill Banquo because Macbeth thought Banquo would suspect him after the prophecies the witches made. This was a mistake by Macbeth because this only made Macbeth more aggressive and his desire to kill stronger. The main mistake Macbeth made was the faith he had towards the prophecies made by the witches, he felt he was invincible. Even once the prophecy about the Birnam Woods reached the castle he belived he could not be killed by anyone because he thought all men were born of a woman. â€Å"Fear not, till Birnam wood/Do come to/Dunsinane†; and now a wood/Comes toward Dunsinane. ’(5. 5. 43-45) â€Å"Thou wast born of woman. /But swords I smile at, weapons laugh to scorn,/Brandished by man that’s of a woman born. (5. 7. 13-15). This confidence followed Macbeth right to his fight against Macduff, once he began to fight with macduff we learn that macduff was actually ripped out of his mothers stomach and not born from the womb making him not born bt a woman. â€Å"Despair thy charm,/And let the angel whom thou still hast served/Tell thee,/Macduff was from his mother’s womb/Untimely ripped. (5. 8. 13-17). Macbeth then accepted his fate and fought Macduff and lost his life. Although there was multiple factors that led to Macbeths demise such as evil witches and a power hungry wife the one who played the biggest role in his death was Macbeth himself. Even though all of the witches prophecies came true there no proof saying they were destined to come true but only that Macbeth caused these prophecies to be true. If Macbeth would have did what he knew was right he would have saved the lives of a lot of people including the wife he loved so dearly.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Reflecting reality in film documentaries Essay Example for Free

Reflecting reality in film documentaries Essay The paradox of reality stems from the fact that it is a combination of abstract and concrete concepts. Abstract since different kinds of reality can be subjectively formed and understood. It cannot be quantified from a single perspective alone. In the meantime, reality is concrete since it is something that each and every individual must readily confront. Reality is part of mankind’s constant struggle. The puzzling complexity that embodies the notion of reality is even more felt on how it is depicted, presented or articulated in other forms. Literature exploits the power of words to explain reality, singers capitalize on music. But the task becomes even harder as for the case of film makers who are expected to utilize both visual and musical elements to represent reality. In film-making, it cannot be denied that the use of different technologies somehow affect how reality is shown. For every filmmaker, there is the challenge to make their works of art convincing—convincing, in the sense that a film seems to devoid of any technological mediation and corporeal interest—and at the same time retaining the subject matter in its pure and organic form. With this pursuit, the emergence of film documentaries came into life. Kibborn once noted that film documentaries aim to offer a â€Å"window of the world (p. 53). † This would not come as a surprise since films, whether they are created for commercial purposes are indeed reflections of a much wider world view. Some filmmakers have fared well, while some, unfortunately, failed. On the other hand, there are others, who have seen film documentaries as a tool to immortalize not only their works but also their names. The film industry owes it all to the Lumiere Brothers. This generation would not experience the beauty and artistry of films if not for these two. Since early film tools and equipments are not that sophisticated during that time, silent films tend to dominate the (big screen). However, what is even more amazing in this context is the manner in which the Lumiere Brothers have managed to present reality with pure visual images alone. Films do communicate and try to reach to their respective audiences. But then again, the absence of sounds seems to make the presentation a bit complicated and difficult. However, if one would stick to the principle in which reality is comprised of events that are experienced in everyday lives, situations that are commonly confronted by ordinary people, it can be fairly said that the Lumiere Brothers stand out. If one has to take a closer look at Arrival of a Train (Nichols 83), such event is commonly encountered. The camera focuses on the train and the people that arrive in the station. A close shot is chosen as if trying to tell every intricate sequence and details of the said event. Unaware and unscripted, the actors are seen in their most natural ways and manners. Such technique is also used in Nanook of the North by Robert Flaherty. However, Flaherty incorporated some texts. Perhaps it can be argued that the Flaherty wants to make the a more vivid and descriptive storytelling approach. There is the intention to relate to the audience what is actually happening rather than to interpret the stories on their own. There is a scene in the film wherein the boat is being covered with a piece of cloth before going down the river. In this case, a close shot was again used, in order to show how intricate the processes are. Yet, during the part wherein the actual trek is going on, a long shot was utilized, thus readily evoking a feeling that the group is on their journey. The characters looked small during that shot and the notion of space and distance were further highlighted. From documenting everyday routines to inserting texts in the film, documentaries are also flavored with the directors’ political perspective as for the case of Dziga Vertov. Hicks even described Vertov as the so-called â€Å"genie† of propaganda films primarily because of its strong Marxist beliefs and visions (8). Taylor described that Vertov depicted reality through the montage technique (74). In this manner, Vertov, since he is also into propaganda reflects life beyond what is â€Å"ordinarily seen,† but rather it is on â€Å"how it should be seen (Taylor 74). † In the film, Three Songs of Lenin, different scenes are patched together. There is the part wherein a group of marching men were shown and followed by a scene that focuses on three statues. Another group of marching people is presented but this time, women, with holding high powered guns are also shown, then it goes back to the three statues. Vertov, as a propagandist who wanted to tell the people what life should be seem to purport that equality between men and women must be readily observed. At the same time, the three statues that are constantly shown is reflective of an ideology or school of thought that must be readily followed and practiced. In the meantime, John Grierson is a film critic who is one of those who laid down the foundations of realism theories in films (Aitken 162). Elis and Mclane noted that Grierson readily influenced many film makers (73). He is also responsible for proliferating such film genre in â€Å"English-speaking nations (Ellis Mclane 73). Grierson firmly believes that in order to depict reality properly, reality should be free from all forms of manipulation—that it should be captured in its raw form rather than mastered in artificial environments (Aitken 167). Works Cited Aitken, Ian. European Film Theory and Cinema: A Critical Introduction. Scotland: Edinburgh Press, 2001 Ellis, Jack and Betsy McLane. A New History of Film Documentary. London: Continuum International Publishing, 2005 Hicks, Jeremy. Dziga Vertov: Defining Documentary Film. London: I. B Tauris Publishers, 2007 Kibborn, Richard. Staging the Real: Factual TV Programming in the Age of Big Brother. Oxford, UK: Manchester University Press, 2003 Nichols, Bill. Introduction to Documentary. Bloomington:Indiana University Press, 2001 Taylor, Richard. Film Propaganda: Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany. London: I. B Tauris Publishers, 1998

The Concept Of Cultural Heritage

The Concept Of Cultural Heritage To understand cultural heritage and interpretation, it is essential to understand the various definitions and theories in relation to the concept of cultural heritage. The term cultural heritage refers to the things, places and practices that define who we are as individuals, as communities, as nations or civilizations and as a species (Wedenoja, 2010). In other words, it is the cultural legacy of physical artifacts and intangible attributes of a group or society that are inherited from past generations, preserved in the present and bestowed for the benefit of future generations. It is a legacy which we often want to recognize and reserve because it strengthens our cultural identity of sense of who we are as people. However, what is considered cultural heritage by one generation may be rejected by the next generation, only to be revived by a succeeding generation. Cultural heritage is not limited to material manifestations. It also includes living expressions and the traditions that groups and communities around the world have inherited from their ancestors and transmitted to their descendants. Thus, cultural heritage can be grouped into broad categories: tangible and intangible. Tangible cultural heritage can refer to moveable objects and immoveable sites. These include archaeological sites, artifacts, buildings, historic sites, monuments, graves, and culturally significant landscapes like sacred places. Landscapes are considered heritage when they have natural features that may have cultural attributes including flora and fauna. Heritage sites like these often serve as an important component in a countrys tourist industry, attracting many visitors from abroad as well as locally. UNESCO  [1]  defines intangible cultural heritage as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the non-physical characteristics, practices, representations, expressions as well as knowledg e and skills that identify and define a group or civilization (UNESCO, 2010). These include language, oral histories, beliefs, practices, rituals, ceremonies, customs, traditions, music, dance, crafts, and other arts. Heritage that survives from the past is often unique and irreplaceable. This places the responsibility of preservation on the current generation. Safeguarding cultural heritage has become one of the priorities of international cooperation since 1972 when the General Conference of UNESCO adopted the Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage. There are 878 World Heritage Sites as of 2008. They are located in 145 countries and 678 cultural, 174 natural, and 26 mixed sites (UNESCO World Heritage Sites, 2010). The preservation of living heritage has only become significant in 2003 when UNESCO adopted the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. (This is the short version > still have a lot of detail to add because the term cultural heritage is very detailed and has meant different things in the past decades. Unless the professor thinks this is enough.) Cultural Heritage and the Challenges of Tourism In recent years, key heritage sites have seen a remarkable increase poorly guided or unguided tourists. Tremendous pressure has been forced upon areas like Angkor Wat, Luang Prabang or Halong Bay the growing number of visitors and the general growth in Tourism. International agencies such as the World Tourism Organization have predicted that tourism numbers will continue to rise over the next 10 years, predominantly so for the continent of Asia. Such growths in visitor numbers worsens existing problems at World Heritage sites which include vandalism, lack of awareness of cultural and heritage significance of sites, congestion and destination and cultural commodification. As global tourism increasingly interface with heritage sites, the pressures of meeting challenges will be more pronounced. In addition to the negative effects of unguided mass tourism at heritage sites, a rise in niche cultural tourism also prompts the need for the training of cultural heritage specialist guides for World Heritage sites. The development of such niche groups of culturally-sensitive and learning-seeking tourists is constituted within the broader developments of what has been termed by tourism academics as special interest tourism and the diversification of the tourism market. However, the development of niche cultural tourism is hampered by the widespread lack of cultural heritage specialist guides in Asia-Pacific. In the APETIT meeting in 2002, the training of professional guides was highlighted by UNESCAP and UNESCO as key to improvements in the tourism system and industry. What is Digitization? We use the term digitization to refer to the process of converting physical resources or information into a digital format (Digitization, 2007). In other words, digitizing means simply capturing an analog signal in digital form. Photos taken with a digital camera, or data collected by an electronic measuring device are automatically converted into digital form. However, text and images that are in a tangible form can be digitized with a scanner (Ibid). When scanning texts or images, an optical character recognition program, also known as OCR, analyzes a text image for light and dark areas in order to identify each alphabetic letter or numeric digit, and converts each character into an ASCII code (Ibid). Audio and videos can also be digitized by a process in which an analog signal is changed, without changing its essential content, into a digital signal (Ibid). The process of sampling measures the amplitude, or signal strength, of an analog waveform at evenly spaced time markers (Ibid ). It also signifies the samples as numerical values for input as digital data (Digitization, 2007). Objects and sites on the other hand require a more complicated process. A 3D scanner is utilized to analyze an object or environment. The 3D scanner creates a point of cloud of geometric samples on the surface of the object or site and these points can then be used to digitally reconstruct the object or site (3D Scanner, 2010). Digitized resources can be easily shared through digital devices, equipment, and networks. Despite its many advantages, digital resources still need special care and preservation as they can become obsolete. Therefore, everything must be digitized at the highest quality and migrated to the latest storage and formats. Digitization of an object using a 3D Scanner (Scribe It, n.d.) Why Should We Digitize Cultural Heritage? Cultural Heritage should be digitized for the following reasons: Preservation of Tangible Cultural Heritage Digitization can help preserve tangible cultural heritage including objects and buildings. All objects and the valuable information they contain will be available without jeopardizing their integrity by handling or by exposure to the elements. For instance, the Stonehenge in Great Britain is using technological interpretation to conserve the heritage site. Brian Bath states in his publication The Use of New Technology in the Interpretation of Historic Landscapes (2006) that a massive number of visitors wanted to see every angle of the Stonehenge and if the same number of visitors came to the site constantly it would à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦a threat exposed surface archaeology and to the protected lichens on the stone surfaces at ground level. Bath (2006) also added that it was hard interpreting the site without explaining the conservation process as well. People wanted to see everything but what they didnt understand was the effect they would have on the site. The solution for this matter was technology. Various forms of Medias like CDs with 3 models and web-based virtual museums were developed in response to assist tourists understand about the conservation and interpretation of the site. 3D/ Virtual Reconstruction of Stonehenge Broadened Access A lot of people cant travel to museums or actual sites whenever they want and even if they could, space constraints imposed on museums would only allow them to see a little percentage of available collections. Therefore, digitizing cultural heritage greatly increases public access. Furthermore, it also advances the work of scholars and researchers worldwide, and opens new opportunities to educators in every setting. Often, objects reside in multiple places even if they are related. Thus, digitizing entire collections allows museums to assimilate their resources, making it possible for scholars working externally to see at a glance their complexity and extent of holdings in a given area. Moreover, digitization also allows museums to share their resources more broadly by integrating collections that have been separated by location across many cultural heritage institutions and research centers. And lastly, digitized materials also help museums reach underserved audiences, as well as th ose not motivated to see museums as a source of information. For instance, twenty years ago, students had to travel to Washington, D.C. to research in the Library of Congress and it was an expensive matter. Now, high school students from around the world have instant access. In 2003, the Library of Congress reported that approximately 15 million people visited American Memory. That is more than the number of people who have worked in the librarys reading rooms over the past 200 years and 1,500 times the number who annually use the manuscript reading room (Cohen Rosenzweig, 2006). New Access Digitization allows access to historical resources that are inaccessible because of their fragility (Cohen Rosenzweig, 2006). As an example, the original 1791 plan for the city Washington is so deteriorated and brittle the Library of Congress does not allow researchers to examine it (Cohen Rosenzweig, 2006). But now anyone can view the digital copy on the librarys website. Not all Library of Congress documents are quite this fragile, but like many other sources, they cant be browsed easily in analog form. LEnfants Original City Plan of Washington 1791 LEnfants Revised City Plan of Washington 1792 Support Education Another benefit of digitizing cultural heritage is that it supports education. Digitization impacts learning in classrooms and everywhere learning takes place. Studies of cultural heritage can come alive with instant access to images, sound files and text extracts. People will be able to experience things not normally possible in a museum, e.g. exploring the inside of a space shuttle in 3D. Furthermore, educators working with cultural heritage can interact virtually with audiences and cultivate forums for exploring topics in more depth and from varying perspectives. Lifelong learners will be able to guide their own learning with help from museums digitized collections. Overall, digitization will give public access to a much greater percentage of museums immense resources, providing better tools with which to spark learning. Brian Bath (2006) stated that the Museum of London set-up a web-based virtual museum and 40 percent of the people who visited the site including students actually came to the museum. As you can see, some people who may have never had interest in going were appealed. Enhances Museums Competitiveness Digitization can enhance museums competitiveness by enhancing visitors experience. A study was carried out by the SITI Research Center of the Queen Margaret University College (Reino, S., Mitsche, N. Frew, A., 2007) in the UK by comparing live interpretation and traditional interpretation at 2 sites, which were Beamish and the Bowes. The result was that ICT improved competitiveness of heritage sites by enhancing learning, entertainment and visitors experience. Beamish which used technology for interpretation had an average of 4% better outcomes in each category. Ease of Access for Researchers In the past, researchers and scholars had to endure the thorough process of ordering up boxes of items in order to find what they were looking for. Sometimes researchers or scholars could not study the archival documents (e.g., glass plate and film negatives) without the prior conversions into readable or viewable media like prints. On the other hand digitization allows quick and easy browsing of large collections of material. Enrich Context Digitization will help enrich context of cultural heritage because everything relevant to an object including details, records, and other interpretative data can be shared. This will enable a richer interaction and enhance users understanding of an object or sites context and meaning. In addition, digitization will enable allows experts to compare artifacts and specimens against those of the digitized museum, substantially increasing information about these holdings at a greater rate remotely. Equally important, it allows people around the world to add additional impressions, associations, and stories to the permanent record. (Will add an example) Infinite Reach Digitization allows infinite reach. It helps people draw multi-media resources from science centers, programs, and museums. Drawn resources could be combined in a way that it could transport an audience back in time. An audience could potentially see how Thai people were living 300 years ago, or witness battles. On the other hand, digitization could also let people experience the present as scientists do. For instance, an audience could be accessing data from Bangkok and could be in the Arctic the next minute learning about ice. And last but not least, people could perhaps travel virtually through space, with a view so clear, making them feel as though they could touch the stars from their armchair. As aforementioned, with digital assets, people would truly have infinite reach. What is Heritage Interpretation? The Basic Principles of Heritage Interpretation The Evolution of Heritage Interpretation and New Media Museums and Their Functions What are Virtual Museums? Still missing but will be added: How can cultural heritage material be digitized? Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Digitizing audio video Cultural Heritage in Thailand Heritage Interpretation in Thailand Examples of Heritage Interpretation and New Media in Other Countries What is the possibility for Thailand? Is it worth it? Assesing Cost and Timelines. Problems with Digitizing Cultural Heritage (Has to be explained in more detail and more examples) Three major problems impede the use of digital technology from being a major tool in preserving cultural heritage. The first one is the enormous amount of financial resources needed for the scanning process, the second one is the quick obsolescence of hardware and software, and the third is the need for standardization of tools and interfaces. As a result, the work done in this area is mostly on a pilot basis, where researchers study the various aspects of certain subjects, build and experiment with modest projects, debate on standards and establish coordinating bodies. Forms of Digitization and Their Advantages and Disadvantages Virtual Museums 3d Technology The origins of heritage interpretation date back to the aftermath of the creation of the first natural parks at the end of the 19th century in the United States. However, it was not until 1957, with publication by Freeman Tildens Interpreting our Heritage that the foundation of the discipline were established. Although in the early days this interpretation was essentially

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Auschwitz: Overview of the Concentration Camp Essay -- Germany Hitler

Auschwitz: Overview of the Concentration Camp The Holocaust was one of the most horrifying crimes against humanity. "Hitler, in an attempt to establish the pure Aryan race, decided that Jews, Poles, Soviet prisoners of war, Roma (Gypsies), and homosexuals amongst others were to be eliminated from the German population. One of his main methods of exterminating these â€Å"undesirables† was through the use of concentration and death camps. In January of 1941, Adolf Hitler and his top officials decided to make their â€Å"final solution† a reality. Their goal was to eliminate the Jews and the â€Å"impure† from the entire German population. Auschwitz was not only the largest concentration camp that carried out Hitler's â€Å"final solution,† but it was also the most extensive. It was comprised of three separate camps that encompassed approximately 25 square miles. Although millions of people came to Auschwitz, it is doubted that more than 120,000-150,000 ever lived there at any one time. (Encyclopedia of the Holocaust) On April 27, 1940, the head of the SS and German police, Heinrich Himmler, ordered that a new concentration camp be established near the town of Oswiecim. A short while later the building of the camp in Zasole, the suburb of Oswiecim, was started. The camp was to be called Auschwitz. The first laborers forced to work on the construction of the camp were three hundred Jews from Oswiecim and its vicinity. (Encyclopedia of the Holocaust) After the completion it covered two square kilometers and took approximately one and a half hours to walk around its perimeter. (Feig, 340) On the gate of Auschwitz was a sign in German that read, â€Å"Arbeit macht frei,† which translates into English as â€Å"work makes one free.† (Feig, 334) This was one of the many lies which the Nazis told their prisoners. The first Jews in Auschwitz believed that they were just being taken there to work for the Nazis. As more and more people died word leaked to the outside world about what was really happening at Auschwitz. The Jews and other undesirables were forced by S.S. soldiers to leave their homes and nearly all of their possessions behind to board crowded trains to Auschwitz. Ironically most of the time they had to pay for the train rides that eventually led to their death. The train rides to Auschwitz were an introduction to the treatment that the deportees were to receive at the ca... ...ewly constructed factories such as the German Armaments Works and the German Earth and Stone Works. (Encyclopedia of the Holocaust) Auschwitz was the largest graveyard in human history. The number of Jews murdered in the gas chambers of Birkenau is estimated at up to one and a half million people: men, women, and children. Almost one-quarter of the Jews killed during World War II were murdered in Auschwitz. Of the 405,000 registered prisoners who received Auschwitz numbers, only a part survived; and of the 16,000 Soviet prisoners of war who were brought there, only 96 survived. Works Cited Bauer, Yehuda. A History of the Holocaust. New York: Franklin Watts, 1982. Feig, Konnilyn G. Hitler's Death Camps. New York: Holmes & Meier Publishers, 1979. Guttman, Isreal, Ed. Encyclopedia of the Holocaust. New York: Macmallin, 1990. Hellman, Petrt. The Auschwitz Album. New York: Random House, 1981. Lynott, Douglas Josef Mengele: The Angel of Death Mà ¼ller, Filip. Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers. New York: Stein and Day,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1979. Nyiszli, Dr. Miklos Auschwitz: An Eyewitness Account of Mengle's Infamous Death   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Camp. New York: Seaver Books, 1960.

Monday, August 19, 2019

A Comparison of Heart of Darkness and The Secret Agent Essay -- compar

A Comparison of Heart of Darkness and The Secret Agent      Ã‚  Ã‚   This essay consists of two separate parts but the intention is that both these parts will prove to be relevant from the point of view of what this essay sets out to study. The first part will present Joseph Conrad's life and some of his works and the latter part will consist of a comparison of two of Conrad's works, Heart of Darkness and The Secret Agent. In this essay I will begin from two assumptions, namely, that both the works mentioned above include clearly identifiable similarities in their narration, theme and method, and, that Conrad's own experiences and views have had great effect on both works.    The method of this essay is firstly to discuss Conrad's life and then to try to find out what kind of similarities and differences Heart of Darkness and The Secret Agent contain and also to try to discover how Conrad's own experiences relate to these works ( and his other works in general). I will also try to relate Conrad's works to some other writers' styles whenever I am capable of doing so despite of my poor knowledge of Conrad's contemporaries and despite of the fact that I was unable to get hold of such works as Conrad and His Contemporaries which surely would have been useful. My sources for carrying out this task are Conrad himself, his critics and my own opinions/interpretations of the two works by Conrad.       Joseph Conrad    In dealing with the life of Joseph Conrad I will focus on the period before he settled in England and started his actual writing career and so I will not present his life after his trip to the Congo and nor will I deal with how it affected him afterwards. I take this approach simply because in my opinio... ...r to be able to understand what is happening.    In conclusion, both The Secret Agent and Heart of Darkness are loosely based on reality; the former on a historical incident and the latter on Conrad's experiences of Congo. Both works have surprisingly much in common and, in my opinion, are also great works of art.    Works Cited    Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. 1902. New York: Dover Publications Inc., 1990.    Conrad, Joseph. The Secret Agent (1907)   New York: Dover Publications Inc., 1990.    Fleishman, Avrom. Condrad's Politics: Community and Anarchy in the Fiction of   Joseph Conrad. Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1967.    O'Prey, Paul. 'Introduction', 'Heart of Darkness'. (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983).    Warner, Oliver Joseph Conrad Longmans, Green and Co., London, New York, Toronto. 1950.   

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay --

Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer was born in the midst of New York City to a wealthy family in 1904. He had German decent on his mother's side whose family had lived in the United States for a few generations, while his father, Julius Oppenheimer, had only recently come from Germany. His father was a farmer and a grain merchant in Germany. When he arrived at New York, He started working at Rothfeldt-Stern Company,a textile import business that was run by two of his uncles. The company changed their business to tailored suits, Julius quickly worked his way up the ranks. When Julius and Ella, Robert's mother, got married in 1903, they lived in an elegant apartment in the Upper West Side of New York City. Julius Oppenheimer was a man of art. He met Ella at a New York Exhibition for European artists. The works of famous artists livened their apartment. Oppenheimer showed signs of brilliance very early on in his life. His interests as a child were minerals, reading, writing poetry, and building with blocks. His interest in minerals was sparked when his grandfather gave him a pack of labeled rocks on the family's trips to Germany. When he became eleven he wrote a paper to the New York Mineralogy Society. When he showed for the lecture, the other members were surprised to find a boy of eleven while the next youngest member was in his seventies. While his parents were delighted by his brilliance, his mother found his antisocial traits to be worrisome and encouraged him to interact with other boys his age but his personality did not allow him to be a social person throughout his early years. In 1912, Oppenheimer gained a brother by the name of Frank. His brother being eight years younger than Oppenheimer, he was not as gifted as his brot... ...oard and after a long trial had his Security Clearance revoked. Despite the public out roar, he moved on to Princeton, and took over as the Director of Advanced Study from Albert Einstein. After he resigned he went on to live a quiet life on Long Island spending time sailing and horseback riding with his wife and children. He was awarded an Enrico Fermi award in 1963. He died in 1967, of throat cancer, leaving a great impact of the world. Overall, Oppenheimer was one of the world greatest influences and scientists in the world. His studies and research into nuclear science helped develop modern power usage of radioactive elements and he also helped end the Second World War. While many scientists expressed their regret in participation in the Manhattan Project, Oppenheimer did not regret his participation because he saw the good and bad in both sides.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Individual Critical Thinking and Society Exercise Essay

Describe a situation in which critical and creative thought could have been used for a better outcome. Describe why it is important to think critically and creatively in similar situations. Define free will, truth, knowledge, and opinion. Explain how we use them to form thoughts. Identify three hindrances to the critical thinking process. Determine methods for overcoming these hindrances. Identify a time in which you experienced a hindrance in critical thinking. Describe a method you could use to overcome the hindrances. Identify a message in advertising. Describe how you perceive the message of the advertisement. Try to determine the reality of the advertisement. Distinguish between your perception and the reality of the message. General Questions – General General Questions Write 150- to 200 words on each of the following topics: Describe a situation in which critical and creative thought could have been used for a better outcome. Describe why it is important to think critically and creatively in similar situations. Define free will, truth, knowledge, and opinion. Explain how we use them to form thoughts. Identify three hindrances to the critical thinking process. Determine methods for overcoming these hindrances. Identify a time in which you experienced a hindrance in critical thinking. Describe a method you could use to overcome the hindrances. Identify a message in advertising. Describe how you perceive the message of the advertisement. Try to determine the reality of the advertisement. Distinguish between your perception and the reality of the message. Avoid using your financial aid funds to go on a shopping spree at your cam†¦ To get this material Click this link – Avoid using your financial aid funds to go on a shopping spree at your campus bookstore. This is common, especially among first-year students. When you learn that you have financial aid credit at the bookstore, it is tempting to buy things you don’t really need. Avoid this impulse and your pocketbook will thank you later. General Questions – General General Questions Write 150- to 200 words on each of the following topics: Describe a situation in which critical and creative thought could have been used for a better outcome. Describe why it is important to think critically and creatively in similar situations. Define free will, truth, knowledge, and opinion. Explain how we use them to form thoughts. Identify three hindrances to the critical thinking process. Determine methods for overcoming these hindrances. Identify a time in which you experienced a hindrance in critical thinking. Describe a method you could use to overcome the hindrances. Identify a message in advertising. Describe how you perceive the message of the advertisement. Try to determine the reality of the advertisement.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Brand and Lifebuoy

Industry Overview: The bar soap industry in India is highly orgai&ed with an annual growth rate of 13% and over RS 9,193 Crores in 2007. The industry is fragmented to a moderate extent with a few international players having large market share and few local players occupying minor share. The largest companies in this segment are HUL, Wipro, Godrej, Nirma, and Reckitt Benkiser. The bath and shower products form bulk of this industry with a contribution of Rs 8,678 Crores1. The soap industry in India is classified into three categories based on the price Product overview: Lifebuoy is one of the oldest brands of soap bar that is market by the Unilever group. The original Lifebuoy was first produced in 1895 in the UK. Though the soap is no longer produced in the UK, it is still produced in many countries around the world and is the market leader in every Asian market that it is sold. The brand is very popular among the rural population with more than 50% of its sales in rural Asia. With a goal to provide affordable and accessible hygiene and health solutions to everyone. Lifebuoy sponsors a Health Education Program in India and has reached more than 70 million people with this initiative. Marketing history of lifebuoy Lifebuoy was launched in India in 1935. Originally Lifebuoy was positioned as a masculine soap with sports and fitness as the background theme in its advertisement. The epic 1992 football advertisement with the jingle ‘Lifebuoy hai jahan, Tandurusthi hai wahan' (Wherever Lifebuoy is, health is there) positioned it as masculine soap. The soap contained carbolic acid which gave it its typical red color and odor. Lifebuoy went through a major brand repositioning in 2002 when it shed it masculine image and positioned itself as a family soap. The company changed the colour, shape and odour of the soap to appeal to all members of the family. The company adopted a new jingle ‘Koi Darr Nahin' (No Fear)(sample adv) with 100% protection against germs as the selling point. Today Lifebuoy is an umbrella brand for different products like Hand Sanitizer, body wash, bar soap, hand wash, Men body wash and Clear skin. For the rest of our report, we will only discuss Lifebuoy soap bar and its post 2002 marketing strategy. Marketing Strategy The marketing strategy of Lifebuoy is closely linked with its vision of fulfilling the intrinsic desire of everyone to be clean, active and healthy. Segmentation and Targeting: The segmentation strategy of Lifebuoy is focussed on price and health awareness. Since the vision of the brand is to provide hygiene to all classes of the society purchasing power of the consumer is a major factor. A few pointers towards it segmentation strategy * Geographic region are of no significance * Demographic characteristics like Age, Family size, Gender and Occupation are not of any significance. * Lifestyle and persong^ty are of no significance Using the above information, the segmentation and targeting of Lifebuoy is given as below Geographic: Tier 2 cities, Semi-Urban and rural areas Demographic: Income group – Middle class and lower middle class behavioral: * Occasion – Regular * Benefits – 100% germ protection A brief on Psychographic profile of the target customer is given in the next section. Hence, Lifebuoy targeting strategy clearly falls in between selective specialization and full market coverage. Psvchographic Pro filing of Target segment The target segment of Lifebuoy is the semi-urban and rural households. A brief Psychographics profiling is done for the consumers, not based on any scientific study but on intuitive thinking. Purchasing decisions In this segment, the purchasing decision in the household for soap bars, in most of the households, is typically taken by the women in the house. Hence we attempt to profile the psychographics of women. Spending Habits The consumers in the segment are middle-income to lower middle-income group. The disposable of this group is meager . hence spending is mostly on barely necessities and on augmented products . Motive Every human being, who is part of the society, has an intrinsic desire to be clean due to health and social acceptance reasons. The primary motive behind buying the product is to fulfil this desire i. e. , be healthy and socially acceptable. Media Reach The consumers in semi-urban areas have fairly good access to all sorts of promotional media like TV, newspaper, radio and billboards. However a large portion of the target consumers are from rural areas which the reach of conventional media like television and newspaper is limited. Hence a separate stream of media has to be designed to reach out to the consumers to educate them on the benefits of using Lifebuoy. Activities and Interests The typical woman in the target segment would be housewife. Hence the activities that she would be involved in are very few. Also they would also have very little interests outside of their household chores. The data below is about how women spend their time and what sort of things that they would be interested in. A few pointers have been made as to how marketers can use this information for efficient marketing. Family care: The women in this segment are entrusted with the responsibility of taking care of the family members especially children. Hence this emotion of the women has to be exploited while making advertisements. Work: A large number of women in this segment work in the unorganized sector as unskilled or semi-skilled labor to support their family. Since it is unorganized sector there is less emphasis on personal grooming and more on hygiene (matches with Lifebuoy's value offering) Television: A large number of the women in this target segment, especially in the semi-urban geographies have access to television and soap operas are very popular with them. Hence most of the companies advertising home needs use time slot during the soap operas. Household chores: Most of the women in this segment do the household chores including purchasing by themselves. Hence advertisements should be aimed at housewives directly. Financial planning: The spending power of the people in this segment is very low and hence cost savings are given utmost importance. Hence to entice housewives the product price should be kept very low Opinions Here we try to delve into what kind of views the women have about themselves and surrounding and how this views and opinions affect their buying pattern. 1. Health of the family is important than personal beauty. Hence women are more likely to buy a disinfectant soap than a beauty soap 2. Price can be low to a level where it meets the quality threshold. Anything below this threshold deemed of low quality. Hence both price and quality are important but price is given high preference. 3. More for less is always better. A bundle pack that offer discounts is better than a single pack. 4. Big shops and supermarkets stock only costly products. Hence a typical woman would visit a shop at the end of her street than visiting a supermarket. Hence companies should stock their products at every shop. 5)A brand that with high recall is of better quality than the one which is not. Hence brands should advertise to have a higher brand recall. Positioning Before evaluating the positioning strategy of Lifebuoy, it is important to assess the competitors and identify the factors that influence the purchase decisions of soaps. The main players that have significant share in the segments Lifebuoy operates in are 1)Santoor: Santoor is a sandalwood based beauty soap that is targeted at the woman and is the largest soap brand in South lndia. )Dettol: Dettol is an antiseptic soap from Reckitt Benckiser that has closely followed Lifebuoy in terms of product offering 3)No 1: Godrej No 1 is the most popular soap product from the Godrej house and is currently the third largest selling soap in India and market leader in Delhi, Haryana and Himachal Pradeshvl 4) HUL Products: Lifebuoy also competes with internally with other HUL products like Breeze and Rexona According to a literature research published in the IUP Journal of Management, the factors and attributes that influence the consumer behaviour of buying soaps are )Packaging and Promotion Schemes 2)Composition : Fragrance, Ingredients, Skin Type 3)Availability and Brand Recognition Additionally price and few functional attributes like hygiene and beauty have been considered. Since there is no data to draw quantitative perceptual/positional maps, we have evaluated the soap brands qualitatively based on the factors given above. Marketing Mix: In this section, we try to evaluate how the STP strategy influences the marketing mix of Lifebuoy and how it provides Lifebuoy advantages over its competitors Product: Lifebuoy is a bar soap that is aimed as a family soap with health and hygiene as its selling proposition. The soap was originally positioned as a masculine soap with fitness and health as the value offering. In 2002, the product underwent a major change shedding it legacy shape, colour and fragrance to make it more appealing to all members of the family. The product, since then, is positioned as family toilet soap with 100% protection from germs as it value proposition. As a product that is more than 100 years old and 75 years of presence in the Indian market, Lifebuoy is one of the most recognised products. Positioned as a family soap, Lifebuoy holds and advantage over its competitors as it appeal to all members of the family. This is really important as it fits well with the typical middle-class and lower-middle class households' habit of using the same soap by all the members of the family. However, Lifebuoy fails to attract beauty conscious women in the family. Also, many of Lifebuoy's competitors have products that have traditional ingredients (Sandalwood in Santoor and Godrej No. l) which Lifebuoy has not yet forayed into. Place Lifebuoy is positioned as soap for the semi-urban and rural population. With over 70% of India's population falling under this segment, it provides huge market potential for Lifebuoy. However catering to this segment brings logistical challenges. Lifebuoy enjoys a distinctive advantage over its competitors in this context as it is promoted by HUL, the largest non-tobacco FMCG Company in the country. Due to HUL's widespread distribution network, Lifebuoy is virtually available at every POS. Hence Lifebuoy is able to capture close to one-fifth of the Indian soap industry. Though Lifebuoy is present even in the urban markets it is pushed to the backseat as the focus of the company is to sell its other soap products like Lux and Rexona. Price Lifebuoy is priced in the mid-level segment. The current price of Lifebuoy soap is about Rs 14 for 100 grams. Lifebuoy is available in packs of various sizes (50gm, 75gm, 120 Gms, 4* 120gm family pack) and is affordable to people of all economic sectors. The competitors of Lifebuoy are priced slightly higher than Lifebuoy . The segment that Lifebuoy caters to is highly price sensitive and hence being priced lower than its competitors provides a distinctive advantage. Promotion Lifebuoy promotion through advertising is based on its slogan ‘Koi Darr Nahin' (no fear). Most of its advertisement focuses on cleanliness and hygiene as the central theme. The premise of most of its advertisement is about a child playing/working in dirt with his mom proclaiming ‘Koi darr nahin' to portray that there is no fear of infection as they use Dettol. Since, the primary target market of Lifebuoy is rural market which is not very educated about the benefits of Lifebuoy or cleanliness in general; lifebuoy has taken the initiative of educating the customers. The initiative called Lifebuoy Swasthya Chetana is the largest rural health and hygiene education programme ever in India and has already reached 70 million people till date† With an effective advertisement and CSR activities, Lifebuoy has been able to build up a formidable brand over its competitors. Competitive Strategy With about 18% of the total soap market share, Lifebuoy is definitely the market leader in this industry. The brand has been a pioneer in the mass rural marketing model and is also the price leader among its competitors. Let us at the various strategies that Lifebuoy follows to stay the top. Expand the total market Most of the customers in the target segment are not frequent users of soaps and use soap only for bathing purpose. Lifebuoy has made many steps in educating the customer on the importance of using soap at five key occasions †¢Before Breakfast †¢Before Lunch †¢Before dinner †¢During daily bath †¢Immediately after visiting the toilets Lifebuoy has been involved in many awareness programs which have been discussed in detail in the report. Through such initiatives Lifebuoy has been able to bring in new customers as well as increase the usage among existing customers. Defend Market Share: In the recent years, due to the introduction of many competitors, the market share of Lifebuoy has been on the decline. To defend its market share Lifebuoy has slashed its prices further to gain over competitorsvl†. The brand was also re-launched with an improved formulation that reduces mush and signals better consumer valuelx. Lifebuoy also introduced many variants of its soap with natural ingredients to defend its position against natural soaps like Godrej No. l and Santoor. Expanding market size: Rural segment, which forms the bulk of Lifebuoy's consumer share, is heavily influenced by product availability while making their purchases. The disposable income in this segment is very less and hence consumers buy products as and when they need it and do not stock extra at home. Hence if the product is unavailable on the shelf, they would buy any other product. Lifebuoy (HUL) therefore undertook projects to enhance the rural supply chain by a network of sub-stockists and ‘Project Shakti' in partnership with the Self-Help Groups of rural women. These Self-Help Groups acted as direct-to-home dealers. In rural India, women are the catalyst of change and that is why Project Shakti kept women in focus. Project Shakti has proved to be a great marketing venture for Lifebuoy since it works in both terms which is promotion as well as a distribution network with social welfare benefits. Through such innovative campaigns, Lifebuoy is able to expand its share in the years following its repositioning. However in the recent years the market share has been declining. Building Brand Equity Lifebuoy has been in India for over 75 years. Since then the brand has been able to connect to the consumers at an emotional level and develop a brand loyalty. Today the brand is market leader in the soap market with over 18% market share and has been repeatedly voted among the top ten most trusted brands in the country*. Though the brand had to undergo a re-positioning in 2002 and had to face a plethora of competitors, both external and internal to HUL, Lifebuoy has not only been able to survive but also emerge as the market leader. A few traits about brands have been given below. Brand Promise Lifebuoy promises to give 100% better protection from germs, which is repeatedly mentioned in its ads. The brand aims at providing health and hygiene to all members of the family by protecting from germs. The brand promise of Lifebuoy closely follows the mission of providing affordable hygiene to all the people of the world. Lifebuoy is the largest selling health soap in the world and has been proven to be effective against germs. Brand Archetvpe Lifebuoy should be regarded as the Caregiver as the vision of Lifebuoy closely matches the core desire of the Caregiver, to protect and care for others. Lifebuoy has been involved in bringing awareness among its consumers in the importance of health and hygiene. Many of its social awareness programmes have already been discussed. Brand elements In this section we look at the brand elements of Lifebuoy and how each element helps in building the brand equity Brand Name The name Lifebuoy is derived from ‘lifebuoy' which means’*† â€Å"a life preserver in the form of a ring of buoyant material†. The name is apt for the brand as it clearly conveys the message of health and hygiene and is as such a life saver. However in the Indian context, where most of the consumers in Lifebuoy's target segment are not highly educated, the brand name which is in English has very little or no significance. Logo : Lifebuoy's logo consists of a Red cross with Lifebuoy written across it. Red Cross is usually associated with ambulance and hospitals and as such indicates good health and hygiene. The logo is also very common and hence is easily recognisable and recallable, the two important characteristics that are necessary for any brand. The logo also means the same in all culture/geographies and hence can be used across the globe. Particularly in the Indian context, the colour red signifies simplicity, purity and holiness and protector from evil spirits which is evident from the fact that red is used in all auspicious ceremonies (bridal dress, thilak, sindhoor etc. . Hence it conveys the brand promise of Lifebuoy. Slogans/Jingle Over the years Lifebuoy has used many slogans/jingles that have helped it build its brand equity. The most popular of Lifebuoy's jingle was the one launched in the 1992 football advertisement â€Å"Thandurusti ki raksha karta hai lifebuoy, lifebuoy hai jahan tandurusti hai wahan† meaning â€Å"Lifebuoy protects good health, good healt h is where Lifebuoys is†. The jingle is particularly famous because it was rhythmic and catchy. It is easily one of the most recallable jingles of all times. It also clearly conveyed the brand promise and hence was able to spread brand awareness among the consumers. In 2002, after the brand underwent a change, the jingle was changed to â€Å"Koi Darr Nahin† meaning â€Å"No Fear†. The new jingle portrayed that by using Lifebuoy, there was no fear of infections. Hence, Lifebuoy has, over the years, used slogans that are attention getting and communicating the prime benefit to the consumer. Packaging:- Prior to 2002, Lifebuoy was sold in ordinary packaging and was red in color with a very strong smell due to the presence of carbolic acid. However, in 2002 the packaging was changed to make the brand more appealing. The logo was modernized to match the contemporary standards. The shape of the bar was also changed from brick to a more contemporary one to match the standards set by its competitors. The brand also focused on the rural consumers and introduced small sized packets at lesser prices to make it affordable. The following elements are not strictly part of typical brand elements. However, in Lifebuoy's context they are significant in differentiating the brand from its competitors. They also fit in the three criteria of brand building as they are memorable, meaningful and likable. Characters:- Traditionally, Lifebuoy has never used any celebrities or any characters in its advertisements. This was because the brand never wanted to position itself as premium brand and hence the use of celebrity did not fit in well with its image. Since its repositioning in 2002, Lifebuoy ads have always been revolved around middle-aged woman (mother) and kids. Effective Marketing:- Rural Marketing:- Since its repositioning, Lifebuoy's has focussed on the rural markets and built a strategy to spread brand awareness through TV and print media. It also launched Lifebuoy Swashthya Chetana, the first single largest rural health and hygiene educational program through which it has been able to reach 70 million people already. The campaign aimed at educating the community especially the children about the necessity of basic hygiene in maintaining good health. Since most of the people in the target segment did not have access to print or TV media, Lifebuoy designed innovative methods to reach to them. It used innovative communication tools at melas, festivals etc. to spread awareness about hygiene and health by product demonstrations. These techniques were used in order to change the hand-washing and bathing habits in rural India. For example, people in mela were asked to put their hands below a special camera where they could see the germs on their hands and were asked to wash their hands with Lifebuoy and see the difference. Hand-carts were also displayed at the company's stall for attracting more people. Lifebuoy tried to market the product not just at the point of sale but also at the point of consumption. Ideas like putting advertisement stickers on hand pumps, walls of the wells, putting tin plates on trees surrounding the pond were some of the innovative media utilised by Lifebuoy. Other media techniques used were shop-fronts and cinema van operations having films and audio cassettes with songs and dance sequences f)om popular films that comprised ads of HUL products during breaks. Through such innovative campaigns, Lifebuoy was able to reach out to customers who could not be reached through conventional media and was able to create a brand loyalty among the rural people. CSR work Since the launch, Lifebuoy has been involved in many health awareness programs. The brand pursues a social mission of bringing health to all the people around the world. †¢Lifebuoy has launched ‘Save the Children' campaign to spread awareness about prevention of diarrhoea. The programs aims at promoting handwashing with soap as the most economical way of fighting diarrhoea †¢It also conducts Global Hand washing Day, an event which aims at educating children about the importance of washing with soap and water. The event has been very popular and now holds the Guinness record of largest community hand wash event. Through Gurudwara, a promotional programme done with collaboration with Gurudwaras (Sikh temples) Lifebuoy has been able to create awareness among the rural population of Punjab. †¢Lifebuoy also launched ‘The Lifebuoy way of life' in Mumbai, a study aimed at understanding whether a bar soap when used as recommended for hand and body washing reduces d iarrhoea and/or acute respiratory infections in the target population. Lifebuoy also launched Lifebuoy active involvement in health awareness programmes has helped it develop a brand loyalty and value above its competitors.

Macbeth Essay: Is Macbeth a sympathetic character? Essay

In Shakespeare’s screenplay, tragedies usually arouse feelings of pity and fear. Yet is the gradual breakdown of Macbeth enough for the audience to feel sympathetic for him? Macbeth is taken place in Scotland. It explores themes like power, desires, ambition and gender etc.. In the story, Macbeth is a general that, due to three witches’ prophecies, fell from a hero into the trap of dark desires for power. An interesting point to note is the relationship between man and woman in the story. Unlike classic views, Macbeth is a rather weak man at home and is dominated and influenced by his wife. I think that there are three points that prove Macbeth to be a sympathetic character. To begin with, Macbeth has never been treated fairly since the beginning. Firstly, the prophecies of the witches have never been fully true. They have hidden some of the truth and consequences just to spur Macbeth on. The prophecies is the reason to his thirst for throne and power. Macbeth believes everything the witches said is true as one of the prophecies has already been fulfilled. Because of the partial-lies, Macbeth thinks of himself undefeatable. His moral conscience allows him to doubt if he shall trust them. Second of all, Lady Macbeth is one of the main reason that pushes Macbeth’s mind to murder. As Lady Macbeth craves for power, she entices Macbeth to listen to her through asking him to strive for money and power. She also threatens and mocks Macbeth’s manhood and courage as a â€Å"coward†, telling him to â€Å"screw [his] courage to the sticking place†. During the murders, she even supports and supervises Macbeth in the murders by asking him to â€Å"leave all the rest to [her]†. Hence, Macbeth has so many outside influences, that it is much likely that he will not have continued with his thoughts to kill Duncan without the influence other characters made on him. Moreover, I believe that Macbeth suffers a lot more than what deserves. He may have hurted a lot of innocent people, but the consequences he faces is  much worse. First, he has been haunted by guilt ever since the first murder. He keeps on having hallucinations: the bloody daggers, Banquo’s ghost†¦ These all marks Macbeth’s guilt and remorse that will permanently stain him for the rest of his life. Secondly, he is slowly becoming more and more isolated. He first loses King Duncan, a man that puts in a lot of trust in him, after murdering him with his own hands. He then kills Banquo, his â€Å"friend† and â€Å"companion-in-arms†, because of the threats he poses to him. Near the end, he even loses his wife Lady Macbeth, who died from illness. At this point, Macbeth has already went from an isolated couple with Lady Macbeth to a totally isolated individual. He has nobody to confront with, nobody to talk to, he is all lonely. Third, his murders even cost his own life. The murders of Macduff’s family and Duncan eventually led to the revenge of Macduff and Malcolm. Therefore, we can see that Macbeth already has to face a lot of consequences due to his murders. Finally, Macbeth has always been portrayed as a real hero in the public’s eyes. In the beginning of the plot, it is mentioned that Macbeth fights a lot of wars for King Duncan and has gained the title of the Thane of Cawdor. He fights so tremendously like â€Å"a giant of fury and courage† that â€Å"he made killing almost holy†. His bravery and success is even described as â€Å"supernatural†. Even when he knows that he is finally going to lose, he still says that he â€Å"cannot fly, but bear-like [he] must fight the course.† He feels like a baited bear, chained to be attacked just for pure pleasure of audience, trapped and lonely, yet there is no going back, he has no chance to win this battle or even go back to where he once is. Yet he never once give up and still continue to fight and be courageous in such hard situations. Therefore, we can see that Macbeth is a real hero. Although some might say that although Macbeth is in grief and guilt, he continue to step further and murder more innocents. Even when Lady Macbeth repents, he never stopped to think what went wrong. In my opinion, Macbeth only did what a normal person would do. He only continued with the murders because there is no turning back. As he says, â€Å"I am in blood stepped in so far, †¦ returning were as tedious as go o’er.’ His mistakes has left him no other choices, even if he admit his wrongs, not much can be done. To him,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"another crime, another murder†¦ but did it matter any more?†. He cannot turn back time. What done is done. He have to face the consequences of his faults. In conclusion, Macbeth is a sympathetic character. He has a strong sense of honour and loyalty, even during the murders of Duncan, he is very resistant and faces a lot of guilt afterwards. It was only because of influence from others that turned him to his dark desires. The story would have turned out to be a lot different if Lady Macbeth is a typical woman. Macbeth will not have been motivated by so much without Lady Macbeth. Even so, when he found the witches to be a fraud, he still acts like a hero, faces the fact and fight with Macduff. Macbeth is a character that took in a lot of hits — from depression to conscience and psychological conflicts to loneliness and isolation. Therefore, no matter how much wrong Macbeth did, he already paid back through the consequences that hit him, he is a sympathetic character.